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Jahrgang 1998  1. Quartal

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4. Januar 1998   (# 1210)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 11 10 82
2. 2. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 7 9 47
3. 4. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 3 8 16
4. 7. Era - Era 6 7 22
5. 6. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 18 6 116
6. 5. Reload - Metallica 4 5 14
7. 3. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 15 4 113
8. 9. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 6 3 18
9. Irre galaktisch (Vol. 6) - Die Schlümpfe 1 2
10. 8. Sehnsucht - Rammstein 16 1 112

11. Januar 1998   (# 1211)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 8 19 57
2. 1. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 12 19 91
3. 3. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 4 16 24
4. 4. Era - Era 7 14 29
5. 6. Reload - Metallica 5 11 20
6. 5. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 19 11 121
7. 8. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 7 7 22
8. 9. Irre galaktisch (Vol. 6) - Die Schlümpfe 2 5
9. 7. Nie genug - Wolfgang Petry 16 6 115
10. Paint the sky with stars, the best of - Enya 1 1

18. Januar 1998   (# 1212)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 9 29 67
2. 2. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 13 28 100
3. 3. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 5 24 32
4. 4. Era - Era 8 21 36
5. 5. Reload - Metallica 6 17 26
6. 6. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 20 16 126
7. Spiceworld - Spice Girls 1 4
8. 7. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 8 10 25
9. 10. Paint the sky with stars, the best of - Enya 2 3
10. 8. Irre galaktisch (Vol. 6) - Die Schlümpfe 3 6

25. Januar 1998   (# 1213)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 10 39 77
2. 3. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 6 33 41
3. 2. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 14 36 108
4. 4. Era - Era 9 28 43
5. 5. Reload - Metallica 7 23 32
6. 7. Spiceworld - Spice Girls 2 9
7. 8. Growin´ up - The Kelly Family 9 14 29
8. 6. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 21 19 129
9. 9. Paint the sky with stars, the best of - Enya 3 5
10. 10. Irre galaktisch (Vol. 6) - Die Schlümpfe 4 7

1. Februar 1998   (# 1214)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 11 49 87
2. 2. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 7 42 50
3. 3. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 15 44 116
4. 4. Era - Era 10 35 50
5. 5. Reload - Metallica 8 29 38
6. 6. Spiceworld - Spice Girls 3 14
7. 10. Irre galaktisch (Vol. 6) - Die Schlümpfe 5 11
8. 8. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 22 22 132
9. Strauss & Co. - Andre Rieu 1 2
10. 9. Paint the sky with stars, the best of - Enya 4 6

8. Februar 1998   (# 1215)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 8 52 60
2. 1. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 12 58 96
3. 5. Reload - Metallica 9 37 46
4. 3. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 16 51 123
5. 4. Era - Era 11 41 56
6. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 1 5
7. 7. Irre galaktisch (Vol. 6) - Die Schlümpfe 6 15
8. 8. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 23 25 135
9. 6. Spiceworld - Spice Girls 4 16
10. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 1 1

15. Februar 1998   (# 1216)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 9 62 70
2. 2. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 13 67 105
3. 5. Era - Era 12 49 64
4. 6. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 2 12
5. 3. Reload - Metallica 10 43 52
6. 4. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 17 56 128
7. Mächtig viel Theater - Pur 1 4
8. 10. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 2 4
9. 7. Irre galaktisch (Vol. 6) - Die Schlümpfe 7 17
10. 8. Backstreet´s back - Backstreet Boys 24 26 136

22. Februar 1998   (# 1217)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 10 72 80
2. 2. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 14 76 114
3. 4. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 3 20
4. 3. Era - Era 13 56 71
5. 7. Mächtig viel Theater - Pur 2 10
6. 8. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 3 9
7. 6. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 18 60 132
8. 5. Reload - Metallica 11 46 55
9. RE The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 6 2 13
10. RE Strauss & Co. - Andre Rieu 2 3

1. März 1998   (# 1218)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 11 82 90
2. 2. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 15 85 123
3. 3. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 4 28
4. 5. Mächtig viel Theater - Pur 3 17
5. 4. Era - Era 14 62 77
6. 6. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 4 14
7. Left of the middle - Natalie Imbruglia 1 4
8. 7. Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones 19 63 135
9. 9. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 7 4 15
10. 10. Strauss & Co. - Andre Rieu 3 4

8. März 1998   (# 1219)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 12 92 100
2. 3. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 5 37
3. 2. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 16 93 131
4. 4. Mächtig viel Theater - Pur 4 24
5. 5. Era - Era 15 68 83
6. 6. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 5 19
7. 7. Left of the middle - Natalie Imbruglia 2 8
8. 9. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 8 7 18
9. 10. Strauss & Co. - Andre Rieu 4 6
10. Read my sign - Bell, Book & Candle 1 1

15. März 1998   (# 1220)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 13 102 110
2. 2. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 6 46
3. 4. Mächtig viel Theater - Pur 5 32
4. 3. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 17 100 138
5. 5. Era - Era 16 74 89
6. 7. Left of the middle - Natalie Imbruglia 3 13
7. 6. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 6 23
8. 8. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 9 10 21
9. 10. Read my sign - Bell, Book & Candle 2 3
10. 9. Strauss & Co. - Andre Rieu 5 7

22. März 1998   (# 1221)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 2. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 7 56
2. 1. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 14 111 119
3. 3. Mächtig viel Theater - Pur 6 40
4. 4. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 18 107 145
5. 6. Left of the middle - Natalie Imbruglia 4 19
6. 7. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 7 28
7. 5. Era - Era 17 78 93
8. 8. The velvet rope - Janet Jackson 10 13 24
9. Ray of light - Madonna 1 2
10. 9. Read my sign - Bell, Book & Candle 3 4

29. März 1998   (# 1222)




Titel - Interpret Woche


1. 1. Titanic - SOUNDTRACK 8 66
2. 2. Let´s talk about love - Celine Dion 15 120 128
3. 3. Mächtig viel Theater - Pur 7 48
4. 4. Eros - Eros Ramazotti 19 114 152
5. 5. Left of the middle - Natalie Imbruglia 5 25
6. 6. Comedian Harmonists - SOUNDTRACK 8 33
7. 9. Ray of light - Madonna 2 6
8. 10. Read my sign - Bell, Book & Candle 4 7
9. 7. Era - Era 18 80 95
10. Pilgrim - Eric Clapton 1 1

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